About Cross Life Church

Cross Life Church has been in the Ferrisburgh community since 1978. As we navigate the challenges of modern culture, we stand firm on the conviction that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is God’s ultimate explanation of Himself. He is the perfect balance of uncompromising truth and unconditional love. 

We are a multi-generational, multi-ethnic congregation. Everyone is welcome to come and explore faith in God with us. If you are looking for a home church, or just curious about God, we invite you to visit us.

Mission and Vision

Who We Are

Our mission is to live our lives as though Jesus were living through us. There is no simpler or higher calling for the individual Christ-follower or the community of faith than this. If Jesus is living through us, we will become the kind of person God has created us to be in this world.

Statement of Faith

What We Believe

Core Beliefs

Because we come from various Christian faith traditions and diverse backgrounds, we as a community of believers focus on and gather around the essentials of Holy Scripture. In these essentials we find unity, in the non-essentials we express liberty, and in all things as a community, we express love. We are comfortable moving within the framework of the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.

The Essentials

THE BIBLE: We believe that the Bible is God’s holy and inspired word. It is our guidebook for life as we seek to follow His plan for this world and His creation. We believe that the Bible tells the story of God in and through the people of Israel. We also believe that His story has found its fulfillment in and through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

GOD: We believe that God exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet is one in nature and never in conflict. He is infinite and beyond our understanding. He is Creator, redeemer, eternal, ever present and all powerful. His character is beyond understanding. In and through Him, we and his creation are made whole. Everything He does is for our good.

JESUSWe believe that Jesus of Nazareth was virgin born, He led a sinless life, was crucified, buried and resurrected from the dead, as the Gospel declares. We believe that He, completing the story of the people of Israel as Messiah, is now vindicated and seated at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf as our redeemer, Lord, and King.

HOLY SPIRIT: We believe that the Holy Spirit is our helper, given to every believer who asks so that we have guidance, comfort, conviction of our sin, and adoption as children of God. He is our inheritance as the children of God so that we live an empowered, fruit-bearing life. He, operating in and through us, allows us to be the people of God ministering in a hurting and broken world.

SALVATION: Being created as Image bearers, we are to live in community as the people of God. This is established in and through the work of Jesus of Nazareth, in whom the fullness of Israel is seen and the saving power of God was manifest.

CHURCH: The church is the community of the people of God. It is the body of Jesus over which He is head and is His representative in the world. The church is not a building or a temple, but a people, filled with the Spirit of God and fulfilling the continuing mission of its king, Jesus. 

The Church seeks to create a community which glorifies God, lifts up the name of Jesus, makes disciples and makes the name of Jesus known among the nations. In the announcing of the fulfillment of God’s redemption of creation in and through Jesus, the church gathers around and celebrates this in and through Holy Communion and Baptism. Thus identifying with the redeeming work of Jesus in His death and resurrection, which declares our freedom from sin.

As a church we seek to be continually on task of being missional for Jesus. There is always a new way to do church and engage the culture. Therefore, we as a church seek to be flexible and obedient to the call of Jesus as we seek to share His story in our community.

OUR FUTURE: The Holy Scriptures declare that at the end of all things Jesus will reign as King and Lord not only in Heaven but here on Earth. God has fixed that day when all humankind will be judged for things done while in this life. Those found to be in Jesus will be saved to life everlasting as partakers of the Kingdom to come in the New Heavens and New Earth. Those who have not, will be eternally separated from God. 

For a full statement of Assembly of God beliefs, click here: https://ag.org/beliefs/statement-of-fundamental-truths

What to Expect When You Visit

When you visit Cross Life Church you will be greeted at the door by a friendly smile because we appreciate your visit! The sanctuary is found easily as you walk into our foyer. The service will contain contemporary music and biblical preaching that focuses on applying biblical truth to our everyday lives. You can dress however you feel comfortable. The service usually lasts about 75 minutes. There is plenty of parkling and handicap access to the building.